Breast feeding, Chest feeding, bottle feeding.

Breastfeeding | Nutrition | CDC

Here you will find 

  1. Recommendations and benefits
  2. What to expect while breastfeeding
  3. How much and how often to breastfeed 
  4. Pumping breast milk
  5. Travel recommendations for nursing families
  6. Breastfeeding and returning to your workplace
  7. Weaning
  8. Relactation support 

Infant Formula Feeding | Nutrition | CDC

Here you will find 

  1. Choosing an infant formula
  2. Infant formula preparation and storage
  3. How much and how often to feed infant formula
  4. Formula shortage

Feeding From a Bottle | Nutrition | CDC

Here you will find

  1. Feeding from a bottle
  2. Cleaning bottle Feeding supplies
    How to Clean, Sanitize, and Store Infant Feeding Items | CDC
    Here you will find
    1. Basics 
    2. Cleaning
    3. Sanitizing
    4. Storage
  3. Tips for bottle feeding
    1. Getting started
    2. How to bottle feed
    3. Things to remember

Home - Evidence Based Birth®

Here you will find a lot of birth information that is accurate, accessible, and inclusive research that empowers communities.  

Breastfeeding (

Here you will find

  1. Overview
  2. Recommendations
  3. WHO response

Homepage | WIC Breastfeeding Support (

Here you will find

  1. Stages of breastfeeding
    Stages | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
  2. Breastfeeding 101
    Breastfeeding 101 | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
  3. Breastfeeding benefits
    Breastfeeding Benefits | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Health benefits
      1. Lowers the risk of ear infections
      2. Lowers the risk of asthma
      3. Lowers the risk of lower respiratory infections
      4. Lowers the risk of diarrhea and vomiting
      5. Lowers the risk of childhood obesity
      6. Lowers the risk of eczema
      7. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
      8. Lowers the risk of childhood leukemia 
      9. Lowers the risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
    2. Bonding with baby
    3. Nutrients
    4. Digestion
    5. Cost
    6. Convenience
  4. Breastfeeding basics
    Breastfeeding Basics | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
  5. Common breastfeeding challenges
    Common Breastfeeding Challenges | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Sore Nipples
    2. Low milk supply
    3. Cluster feeding and growth spurts
    4. Engorgement 
    5. Plugged Duct
    6. Fungal infection
    7. Nursing strike
    8. Breast and nipple size and shape
    9. Exhaustion
    10. Feeling like you can't leave your baby
    11. Feelings of sadness or depression
    12. Dealing with judgment 
  6. Breastfeeding supplies
    Breastfeeding Supplies | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
  7. The phases of breast milk
    The Phases of Breast Milk | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Phase 1: Colostrum 
    2. Phase 2: Transitional milk
    3. Phase 3: Mature milk
  8. How breast milk is made
    How Breast Milk is Made | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
  9. Setting your breastfeeding goals
    Setting Your Breastfeeding Goals | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Before your baby arrives
    2. At the hospital or birthing center
    3. First days and weeks at home
    4. One month to six weeks in
    5. Going back to work
    6. Six months and beyond
  10. Babys Hunger ques
    Baby's Hunger Cues | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Signs your baby is hungry 
      1. Fists moving to mouth
      2. Head turning to look for the breast
      3. Becoming more alert and active 
      4. Sucking on hands or lip smacking
      5. Opening and closing mouth
    2. Signs your baby is full
      1. Baby releases or "falls off" your breast
      2. Baby turns away from nipple
      3. Baby relaxes their body and opens their fists
  11. 5 breastfeeding holds to try
    5 Breastfeeding Holds to Try | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Clutch or Football hold 
    2. Laid-back or straddle hold
    3. Cross-cradle or transitional hold 
    4. Side-lying position
    5. Cradle hold
  12. Steps and signs of a good latch
    Steps and Signs of a Good Latch | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
  13. Using bottles with a breastfed baby
    Using Bottles with a Breastfed Baby | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Hold your baby snugly and fairly upright
    2. Hold the bottle at an angle 
    3. Switch sides
    4. Let someone else offer your baby breastmilk from a bottle
    5. Give your baby time to adjust
  14. Learning to pump and hand express milk
    Learning to Pump and Hand Express Milk | WIC Breastfeeding Support (
    1. Hand expression
    2. Pumping